5 Crucial Code of Ethics & Questions for the Roofing Industry
When it comes to buying a new roof the most important decision you make is not the product but the roofing company you choose to do business with. We're here to help you make a sound decision on your next roofing project. Now you'll know for sure whether the roofing company you are considering doing business with meets certain ethical standards. We believe we are the best when it comes to roofing projects. The reason is simple: we meet all of the following reasonable, common sense criteria.
Use this Code of Ethics as a tool to educate yourself on how things work in the roofing industry. When calling a roofing company, use these questions to help you determine which company you want to do business with for your roofing project.
#1. Be Sure All Installers Are Certified and Approved
Applicators by the Manufacturer
Anyone that installs a roof should be a certified and approved installer for the specific roof system being installed. This is a self-evident piece of common sense that should go without saying. However, installers of many of today's roof systems are simply not certified and approved by the manufacturer. Unfortunately, if a problem develops with a roof that was installed by someone not properly certified and approved by the manufacturer to install their roof system, the warranty could be made null and void. All roofers are licensed, bonded, and insured. Unfortunately a business license and a bond does not mean the installer is actually qualified to install the type of roof a home owner may be considering purchasing. Unqualified installers have no business being in the roof installation business. This goes for everyone on the roof doing the installation.
#2 The Roofing Company Should Pay for Damage it Causes
Most residential driveways are not constructed to withstand the weight carried by the trucks that deliver residential roofing materials. The roofing company should warn the home owner of possible damages to the driveway when the supply truck makes its delivery and/or protect the client, in writing, against such damages. You're not paying to have your driveway damaged!
#3 Ask Every Roofing Company you Talk to Who Covers Damages on the Job
"Do you inform your customers of the possibility of property damage caused by your roofing material delivery trucks? Have you released the supplier of this potential liability? If so, do you accept responsibility - in writing - for such damages when and if they occur? Also, have you ever had a customer whose driveway was blocked while your company did their roofing job?" Cars need to be able to get in and out of the garage.
#4. The Roofing Company Should Pay for its Own Miscalculations
The roof should be measured by an experienced professional who knows what they are doing. Incorrect measurements can be a source of serious cost overruns. Once in awhile we underestimate on a bid. When that happens we deliver as promised and cover the difference.
Ask Every Roofing Company you Talk to Who Pays For Their Miscalculations:
"How do you ensure that you will not incorrectly measure my roof? Part of a buying decision is based upon an accurate measurement of the roof. If more material is required because of a measurement error, will you charge me for your mistake?"
#5. The Roofing Company Should Pay for its Own Mistakes
If the roofing company makes a mistake in bidding a project, the home owner should not be forced to pay for it. And when the roofing company finds that they are not able to finish the job to the original scope of work that was promised, the roofing company should pay for these kinds of miscalculations and overruns as well, not the homeowner. When the homeowner signs on the dotted line, the agreed-to price should be honored regardless of mistakes made by the roofing company. We always pay for any and all oversights on our part. It's part of being professional and ethical.
Question to ask Every Roofing Company you talk to:
"Do you cover the cost of any change orders that are your fault?
"When a change order is required, do customers have to "battle" you in order to get you to pay for the overruns?"
Enjoy peace of mind with your new roof, call (480) 983-0401